Apparently, The Next Big Thing is considered a kind of
online chain letter. (The word floating around with it is "meme," but I've never really understood what that is!) I like to think of it as a reminder of how important it is
to give shout-outs to writers I know and admire. Even before my novel was
published, I enjoyed a circle of close writing friends, but since its
publication and the opportunities that has presented, I have had the chance to
make new writing friends around the country.

Next up: Bee Ridgway. Bee and I have something wonderful
in common: our agent, Alexandra Machinist. Through Alexandra (and Twitter), Bee
and I have become email friends, supporters and confidantes. I have not read
Bee’s upcoming debut novel, The River of
No Return, but I am champing at the bit. You can be assured that on its pub
date, April 23 of this year, I will dive right in. Here is a brief description:
In Bee Ridgway’s wonderfully
imaginative debut novel, a man and a woman travel through time in a quest to
bring down a secret society that controls the past and, thus, the future. You can head
to Bee’s blog to read more about her next big thing!
Now, for the authors I am going to mercilessly tag into
this game ... a couple have already been tagged by Karen and Bee, so I’m
cheating a bit, but I don’t care. I love these two writers too much to not
mention them here. The first is Dana Sachs, who is a longtime friend through
our love of Vietnam, not to mention part of the “friend, supporter, confidante”
email correspondence that Bee and I partake in. Before I met Dana, I read her memoir, House on Dream Street, about her time
living in Hanoi in the early 1990s. Having lived in Vietnam myself for four
years, I am fussy about how the country is depicted. I found Dana’s view to
be compassionate and authentic, and so you can imagine how happy it made me to
become friends with her. I’ve had the privilege to read an advance copy of her
new novel, The Secrets of the Nightingale
Palace, and I would like to give it the highest compliment: it’s
pure Dana! She is such an elegant writer, and I read her books for their
nuance. To learn more about this tale of a grandmother and her adult granddaughter
crossing America to return a piece of Japanese art acquired from a friend of
the grandmother’s just before the internment of the Japanese during WWII, go to
Dana’s website.
Continuing on … Janet Brown. How do I love Janet? Let me
count the ways. But there’s the problem. I can’t count that high! Janet and I
met as booksellers at the Elliott Bay Book Company in Seattle in 1989. Back
then, we were not published and while we sold books and wrote, we also dreamed
big of seeing the world. Lo and behold, we both did just that. I moved to Vietnam
and she moved to Thailand. The publishing result for Janet is the absolute gem
of a travel memoir, Tone Deaf in Bangkok.
Tightly written, sly and culturally observant in a way I associate with such
superstars as Graham Greene, this book is a treasure. Her forthcoming book, Almost Home, is its worthy rival. Not
only did I have the honor of reading this book, I was invited to write the
introduction. Almost Home takes
readers on a search for home in faraway places: Thailand, Malaysia
and Hong Kong. To find out more about Janet’s writing (she’s posting some
fantastic new stuff these days), check out her blog, Tone Deaf in Thailand.
Of the two other writers I have asked to participate, one
is an old friend and one is new. Tiffany Hawk and I worked together at many years ago, and I’m thrilled that her debut novel, Love Me Anyway, is coming out this
spring. I just finished reading an advance copy of this story of love and
loneliness among United Airlines flight attendants in the months that circle
around 9/11 – I have so many wonderful things to say about it, much of which
can be found here at my GoodReads review for the novel.
As for my new friend,
Anne-Marie Ruff and I were united on a panel at the West Hollywood Book Fair. Anne-Marie is a terrific writer. Her first novel, Through These Veins, is a smart
exploration of cultural divides and scientific ethics. You can read more about
her story of the discovery a plant in Africa believed to cure AIDS, and the
ruthless pharmaceutical company trying to appropriate it, at her website. She’s
also just finished the first draft of her new novel, Beneath the Same Heaven,
which she’ll hopefully write about for The Next Big Thing.
Finally, I am going to be sneaky. I didn’t ask the next two writers to play The Next Big Thing game (I hate pestering friends when I know
how busy they are), but I’m going to include them anyway. Donna Miscolta and I were paired on a reading stage at the Wordstock
festival in Portland, and because of this, I picked up When the de la Cruz Family Danced. The story of a Filipino family
in Southern California, and the mystery surrounding the father’s possible illegitimate
son from a childhood sweetheart back in the Philippines, this is a
thought-provoking look at family, culture and belonging. Donna's writing is so finely tuned, and I found myself reading slowly, savoring paragraphs, so I could absorb the details. Head to Donna's blog to read more about this beautiful novel.
Last but not least, go to Courtney Miller Santo's blog to find out about her first novel, The Roots of the Olive Tree. As with Bee, Courtney and I also share the same divine agent. Courtney's book is a multi-generational tale (five generations of women!) that tackles questions of longevity and family ties. This is definitely a novel for book clubs. There is so much to talk about, with ideas ranging from the intimate (family) to the big picture (genetics). When I read this I thought how great it would be to have a book club with all the female members of my family -- the conversation would surely last for hours!
Now to the main event, the ten interview question for The
Next Big Thing:
What is your
working title of your novel-in-progress?
To Feed Such Hunger
Where did the idea
come from for the book?
The daily, domestic lives of my friends in Saigon during
the Vietnam-American war.
What genre does
your book fall under?
As with my debut novel, The Map of Lost Memories, which came out last August, this new one does not fall easily into
any category. There is a literary aspect. There is a mystery aspect. There is a
historical aspect. How about: historical literary mystery?
Which actors would
you choose to play your characters in a movie rendition?
Since I’m only 130 pages into the first draft, I haven’t
reached the fantasy casting stage yet! Though the main character, Lena Sundholm,
is physically modeled after Jean Seberg in Bonjour
What is the
one-sentence synopsis of your book?
Murder, political intrigue and family secrets in the life of a culinary
anthropologist in Vietnam during the mid-twentieth century.
Will your book be
self-published or represented by an agency?
I am represented by Alexandra Machinist of Janklow &
How long did it
take you to write the first draft of your manuscript?
I have just started, so this is another question I can’t
answer. I’m hoping to be done with the first draft by the end of summer.
What other books
would you compare this story to within your genre?
I don’t have any specific comparisons, but I’m hoping to
use everything I’ve learned from Graham Greene and Penelope Lively in this novel.
As well, I want the book to have a large scope, spanning decades and
illuminating an often-ignored side of Vietnamese/American history.
Who or what
inspired you to write this book?
The close friends in Vietnam mentioned above.
What else about
your book might pique the reader’s interest?
At this point I’d rather not say. The story is still so
raw, and I have a couple angles I hope will draw readers in from the
start. But until I get them down in some firm fashion on in the first draft, I’m
more comfortable keeping them to myself.